Qrcky [Certified Visual Artist - Baltimore, Maryland]

Qrcky [Certified Visual Artist – Baltimore, MD]

Qrcky [Certified Visual Artist – Baltimore, MD]

Qrcky is a Side Arts Certified Visual Artist from Baltimore, Maryland.

Qrcky’s passion for art began in the seventies in southern Virginia, where art was not a part of his family’s culture. Despite this, he was captivated by the works of Chuck Jones, Norman Rockwell, and Bob Ross. He would spend hours attempting to replicate their styles while watching cartoons.

However, it wasn’t until two decades later and after enduring a difficult marriage and subsequent relationships, that Qrcky returned to art as a form of self-expression. Drawing on his creative freedom as a child, he found solace in painting and discovered his unique voice.

To fully immerse himself in his art, Qrcky isolated himself from friends and family. This allowed him to focus and create his most vital work while experiencing emotional distress and displacement. Through this process, he found a sense of contentment and wholeness in his art.

See more work, visit qrcky.net

Qrcky [Certified Visual Artist - Baltimore, MD]

Qrcky [Certified Visual Artist - Baltimore, MD]

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