[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] PleinAir Magazine announces a call for artists for their PleinAir Salon May Art Competition. In the spirit of the French Salon created by the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, this annual competition, with 12 monthly cycles, leading to the annual PleinAir Salon winners, is designed to stimulate artistic growth through competition.
This is an online competition with annual awards totaling $50,000. No mailing your artwork for an exhibition. Enter paintings for the PleinAir Salon May Art Competition whether you have won another competition or not.
Click here for the application / registration
Enter by: 31 May 2023
The Early Bird Discount ends May 15th at 11:59 pm. Enter before then to receive 25% off your entries. Just $29 for your first and $12 for each additional painting. The regular price is $38 for the first painting and $16 for each additional painting.
There are over $2,000 in cash prizes awarded each month, and $22,000 awarded at the Annual Competition each May. Each of the 23 monthly winners are included in the judging for the 13th Annual PleinAir Salon where PleinAir Magazine awards the Grand Prize winner a check for $15,000 and feature their painting on the magazine’s cover, which is the #1 representational art magazine at Barnes & Noble. Winners in each monthly competition may receive recognition and exposure through PleinAir magazine’s print magazine, e-newsletters, and social media. The Annual Awards will be presented live at the Plein Air Convention & Expo in May 2024.
About PleinAir Magazine
PleinAir Magazine is for plein air artists, enthusiasts, and collectors showcasing a wide variety of plein air paintings, articles on the top plein air artists of today and past, and the latest information on events and shows. The PleinAir Salon Art Competition has been awarding cash prizes and promoting artists for 12 years.
For more information, contact pleinairsalon@streamlinepublishing.com.
[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] PleinAir Magazine announces a call for artists for their PleinAir Salon April Art Competition, held online and consisting of 19 categories. In the spirit of the French Salon created by the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, this annual competition with 12 monthly cycles leading to the annual Salon Grand Prize winners is designed to stimulate artistic growth.
This is an online competition. No mailing your artwork for an exhibition. Enter paintings for the PleinAir Salon April Art Competition whether you have won another competition or not.
Click here for the application / registration
Enter by: 30 April 2023
The Early Bird Discount ends April 15th at 11:59 pm. Enter before then to receive 25% off your entries. Just $29 for your first and $12 for each additional painting. The regular price is $38 for the first painting and $16 for each additional painting.
The PleinAir Salon Art Competition is a monthly online art competition that awards over $46,000 each year. There is over $2,000 in cash prizes awarded each month, and $22,000 awarded at the Annual Competition each May. Each of the 23 monthly winners are included in the judging for the 13th Annual PleinAir Salon where PleinAir awards the Grand Prize winner a check for $15,000 and features their painting on the cover of PleinAir Magazine. Winners in each monthly competition may receive recognition and exposure through PleinAir magazine’s print magazine, e-newsletters, and social media. The Annual Awards will be presented live at the Plein Air Convention & Expo in May 2024.
About PleinAir Magazine
PleinAir Magazine is for plein air artists, enthusiasts, and collectors showcasing a wide variety of plein air paintings, articles on the top plein air artists of today and past, and the latest information on events and shows. The PleinAir Salon Art Competition has been awarding cash prizes and promoting artists for 12 years.
For more information, contact pleinairsalon@streamlinepublishing.com.
[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] PleinAir Magazine announces a call for artists for their PleinAir Salon November Art Competition, held online and consisting of 19 categories. In the spirit of the French Salon created by the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, this annual competition with 11 monthly cycles leading to the annual Salon Grand Prize winners is designed to stimulate artistic growth.
This is an online competition. No mailing your artwork for an exhibition. Enter paintings for the PleinAir Salon November Art Competition whether you have won another competition or not.
Click here for the application / registration
Enter by: 30 November 2022
The Early Bird Discount ends November 15th at 11:59 pm. Enter before then to receive 25% off your entries. Just $29 for your first and $12 for each additional painting. The regular price is $38 for the first painting and $16 for each additional painting.
Each year, Pleinair Magazine awards a total of $33,000 for their monthly competitions. They award $1,100 monthly to the top three winners and a People’s Choice Award for each competition. Winners in each monthly competition may receive recognition through PleinAir Magazine’s print magazine, e-newsletter, and social media. Each of the monthly winners will be automatically entered into the Annual Competition. The annual grand prize winner receives $15,000 and is featured on the cover of PleinAir Magazine, the #1 representational art magazine at Barnes & Noble. The annual awards are presented live at the Plein Air Convention & Expo each spring.
About PleinAir Magazine
PleinAir Magazine is for plein air artists, enthusiasts, and collectors showcasing a wide variety of plein air paintings, articles on the top plein air artists of today and past, and the latest information on events and shows. The PleinAir Salon Art Competition has been awarding cash prizes and promoting artists for 12 years.
For more information, contact pleinairsalon@streamlinepublishing.com.
[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] PleinAir Magazine announces a call for artists for their PleinAir Salon October Art Competition, held online and consisting of 19 categories. In the spirit of the French Salon created by the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, this annual competition with 11 monthly cycles leading to the annual Salon Grand Prize winners is designed to stimulate artistic growth.
This is an online competition. No mailing your artwork for an exhibition. Enter paintings for the PleinAir Salon October Art Competition whether you have won another competition or not.
Click here for the application / registration
Enter by: 31 October 2022
The Early Bird Discount ends October 15th at 11:59 pm. Enter before then to receive 25% off your entries. Just $29 for your first and $12 for each additional painting. The regular price is $38 for the first painting and $16 for each additional painting.
Each year, Pleinair Magazine awards a total of $33,000 for their monthly competitions. They award $1,100 monthly to the top three winners and a People’s Choice Award for each competition. Winners in each monthly competition may receive recognition through PleinAir Magazine’s print magazine, e-newsletter, and social media. Each of the monthly winners will be automatically entered into the Annual Competition. The annual grand prize winner receives $15,000 and is featured on the cover of PleinAir Magazine, the #1 representational art magazine at Barnes & Noble. The annual awards are presented live at the Plein Air Convention & Expo each spring.
About PleinAir Magazine
PleinAir Magazine is for plein air artists, enthusiasts, and collectors showcasing a wide variety of plein air paintings, articles on the top plein air artists of today and past, and the latest information on events and shows. The PleinAir Salon Art Competition has been awarding cash prizes and promoting artists for 12 years.
For more information, contact pleinairsalon@streamlinpublishing.com.
[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] PleinAir Magazine announces a call for artists for their PleinAir Salon August Art Competition, held online and consisting of 19 categories. In the spirit of the French Salon created by the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, this annual competition with 11 monthly cycles leading to the annual Salon Grand Prize winners is designed to stimulate artistic growth.
This is an online competition. No mailing your artwork for an exhibition. Enter paintings for the PleinAir Salon August Art Competition whether you have won another competition or not.
Click here for the application / registration
Enter by: 31 August 2022
The Early Bird Discount ends August 15th at 11:59 pm. Enter before then to receive 25% off your entries. Just $29 for your first and $12 for each additional painting. The regular price is $38 for the first painting and $16 for each additional painting.
Each year, Pleinair Magazine awards a total of $33,000 for their monthly competitions. They award $1,100 monthly to the top three winners and a People’s Choice Award for each competition. Winners in each monthly competition may receive recognition through PleinAir Magazine’s print magazine, e-newsletter, and social media. Each of the monthly winners will be automatically entered into the Annual Competition. The annual grand prize winner receives $15,000 and is featured on the cover of PleinAir Magazine, the #1 representational art magazine at Barnes & Noble. The annual awards are presented live at the Plein Air Convention & Expo.
About PleinAir Magazine
PleinAir Magazine is for plein air artists, enthusiasts, and collectors showcasing a wide variety of plein air paintings, articles on the top plein air artists of today and past, and the latest information on events and shows. The PleinAir Salon Art Competition has been awarding cash prizes and promoting artists for 12 years.
For more information, contact pleinairsalon@streamlinpublishing.com.
[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] The Decatur Arts Alliance, with the City of Decatur, seeks sculpture artists for acquisition of existing work for Sam’s Crossing retail/residential district in Decatur, Georgia. The work will become a part of the city’s permanent collection. Sculpture artists can submit completed or in-progress work. The Decatur Arts Alliance invites submissions from artists who are eligible to work in the United States.
Click here for the application / registration
Enter by: 16 October 2022
The Decatur Arts Alliance is seeking three different sculptures, each to be installed at one of three specific sites within the retail/residential district. Total compensation is based on the site specifications.
- Site A: Up to $40,000 – South side of the retail district on East Ponce de Leon Avenue. The work can be up to 8 feet in diameter and 30 feet in height.
- Site B: Up to $50,000 – Located adjacent to the residential apartment community on the corner of East Ponce de Leon Avenue, 5 feet in diameter and 40 feet in height.
- Site C: $30,000 – Located between 2 freestanding retail buildings, the work should be no more than 3 feet in diameter and up to 10 feet in height.
The Decatur Arts Alliance and the City of Decatur are working with the developers of the retail space and the residential community for this public art installation. The Sam’s Crossing retail/residential district is located on a 10-acre site comprised 69,000 square feet of commercial retail space, including a Publix grocery at 2720 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue and 290 unit Notion apartments at 175 North Arcadia Avenue. Building construction of the retail development was completed in 2021. The residential apartments will be completed in 2022.
About Decatur Arts Alliance
The Decatur Arts Alliance is a nonprofit partnership of artists, business owners, and residents dedicated to supporting and enhancing the arts in the city of Decatur. The Decatur Arts Alliance sponsors the annual festivals and special art events for members only. It provides a collaborative environment to coordinate the interests of artists, gallery owners, theater groups, dance groups, and performance venues within Decatur as well as develop the city as a strong arts community.
Public art has long been recognized as a community asset, but because many of its benefits seem intangible, it is often treated as a low priority, especially during challenging economic times. The Decatur Arts Alliance has shown that prioritizing public art can lead to increased levels of community engagement and social cohesion.
For more information, contact artsubmissions@decaturartsalliance.org.
MIRA and MASSIVart invite national and international artists to develop a proposal for a permanent public artwork to be located in the public plaza of MIRA’s latest real estate development in Mexico City, Neuchâtel’s Cuadrante Polanco.
Click here for the application / registration
Deadline: 29 Jun 2020
The call for artists will be two-phased:
- The first stage will shortlist three to four applicants based on qualifications demonstrated from the applicant’s Curriculum Vitae, portfolio of work, and preliminary artistic approach.
- In the second stage, each of the three or four artists or artist teams/collectives will be given a compensatory fee to create a detailed artist proposal including written information, a budget, sketches and renders, preliminary construction plan, and other descriptive presentation materials as needed to fully describe the concept intent.
The artists selected during the 1st phase will be aligned with the artistic direction of MIRA and MASSIVart as well as the vision of Neuchâtel Cuadrante Polanco, which is led by a desire to create an iconic and timeless art installation that has the power to engage passersby.
Neuchâtel’s Cuadrante Polanco Public Art Budget Details
A total budget of 6,000,000.00 MXN Pesos will be allocated to the art installation’s project to give artists the opportunity to create an iconic landmark for Mexico City while beautifying the urban public landscape.
Each shortlisted artist appearing before the jury will receive, in consideration of detailed proposal and presentation, a fee of $15,000.00 MXN pesos + taxes, which will be paid to him or her on presentation of an invoice.
Fees and charges granted under this by-law are subject to the prescribed taxes.
About MASSIVart
MASSIVart is a global art consultancy and production agency. They collaborate with emerging and established artists, architects, developers, designers, and creative talent to create art-driven events, architectural design, commissioned works of art and, cultural programs.
MASSIVart conceives creative destinations that bring people together, create emotional connections, and offer authentic brand experiences. With a team of producers, art directors, curators, and designers who are consistently at the forefront of the global art and culture scene, they create exclusive content, develop impactful design, and connect artists to the public while highlighting partners and clients in innovative ways.
For more information, contact neuchatel@massivart.com.
Gensler, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), and Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners (JLREP) are soliciting qualifications from accomplished artists or artist teams to create a site-specific WMATA public artwork for the new WMATA Regional Headquarters Facility at 2395 Mill Road, Alexandria VA. The building entry facade and lobby spaces have been identified as possible locations for the artwork in order to create the best experience for WMATA employees, visitors, and members of the public.
Click here for the application / registration
(Use the arrows on the side of the screen to navigate the application information.)
Deadline: 12 Jun 2020
The WMATA Eisenhower Avenue building is a 14-story headquarters facility that will consolidate several departments including the authority’s Technology and Engineering groups. It will foster a culture that is safety-focused, customer-centric, and technology-enabled as well as create a rich, immersive employee experience. The building will feel welcoming, open, and accessible. The building’s entry lobby is a light-filled, double-height space wrapping the southwest corner of the building.
Parameters and Goals
The Authority has a history of and expectation for design excellence and, through its Art in Transit Program, has been working to obtain unique, memorable, and engaging site-specific, public artworks. The artists/artist teams shall develop aesthetically attractive public artworks that capture the Authority’s mission and reflect the artistic, cultural and/or historical interests of the surrounding communities. Consideration shall be given to creative uses of materials, massing, scale, form, texture, and detailing. Artworks shall be visually attractive, innovative, and durable. The selected site-specific artworks should impart a sense of pride within the local community and provide a stimulating and attractive environment for the people who will experience the artworks daily.
The artwork selection will follow a two-phase process referred to as Phase 1 and Phase 2. The artist selection panel seeks a pool of applicants with a successful history of public art and collaboration with public agencies and/or design build projects.
Phase 1
Requires artists/artist teams to prepare and submit qualifications as appropriate for the scope of work and qualifications submittal requirements as set forth in this solicitation. An artist selection panel led by WMATA and JLREP, and comprising art and design professionals, will select at least three artists/artist teams as determined by this RFQ’s evaluation criteria.
The selected artists/artist teams will each receive a $1,500 design fee to prepare and submit a site-specific artwork proposal that will comply with the prescribed concepts. These artists/artist teams will then proceed to Phase 2 of the selection process.
Phase 2
WMATA and JLREP will invite the selected artists/artist teams whose qualifications are deemed acceptable to receive detailed contract information for the purpose of submitting site-specific, Phase 2 artwork proposals. WMATA and JLREP expects the proposals to include all premiums required to complete the project on or ahead of the schedule listed in the present RFQ.
As part of the proposal, the artists/artist teams are expected to provide a site-specific design and the estimated costs for fabrication, installation, engineering/architectural coordination, technical, clerical, and other services necessary as well as schedules required for the fabrication and installation of the artwork. The artist/artists team’s experience and professional record should provide convincing evidence of their ability to successfully complete the project as proposed.
The artist selection panel will rank each site-specific artwork based on the evaluation criteria listed in this RFQ and make a recommendation to the WMATA General Manager for approval. JLREP will then enter into negotiations with the top-ranked artists/artist team to finalize the contract award process. If JLREP is unable to reach agreement with the top ranked artists/artist team, they will end negotiations and begin negotiations with the next ranked artists/artist team.
WMATA Public Artwork Budget
The maximum budget for the site-specific art project is not to exceed $250,000 all-inclusive of design (artist fee included), construction, and installation as well as other miscellaneous costs. The budget for artwork as outlined in this call for artists is subject to the availability of funds.
About Gensler
Gensler is one community. Their community is focused on improving the human experience, guided by a vision that’s committed to making a better world and realized through the positive changes they make in people’s lives. When they move forward together, the impact is real. Their incredible global team of 6,000+ people is shaping the future of cities every day. It starts with a vision: to Create a Better World Through the Power of Design. This vision comes to life across expertise in 24 practice areas, client relationships, a network of global and local leaders, and diversity of talent.
About Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro) was created by an interstate compact in 1967 to plan, develop, build, finance, and operate a balanced regional transportation system in the national capital area. Metro began building its rail system in 1969, acquired four regional bus systems in 1973, and began operating the first phase of Metrorail in 1976. Today, Metrorail serves 91 stations and has 117 miles of track. Metrobus serves the nation’s capital 24 hours a day, seven days a week with 1,500 buses. Metrorail and Metrobus serve a population of approximately 4 million within a 1,500-square mile jurisdiction. Metro began its paratransit service, MetroAccess, in 1994; it provides about 2.3 million trips per year.
For more information, contact Barton_Bland@gensler.com.