Expired Archives - Side Arts

John Michael Keating [Certified Visual Artist – Grass Valley, CA]

John Michael Keating [Certified Visual Artist – Grass Valley, CA]

John Michael Keating is a Side Arts Certified Visual Artist from Grass Valley, California.

John Michael Keating, an oil, acrylic, watercolor, monotype, and digital print artist, is Professor Emeritus of Art and Humanities at Sierra College in Northern California. He has twice been Visiting Artist at Franklin College in Lugano, Switzerland. He has lectured on Art at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, California, and at various arts clubs and organizations.

John has lived in Switzerland and Spain and exhibited award-winning oils, watercolors, and prints in the United States and Spain. His works have been purchased by Marriott, Bank of America, San Francisco General Hospital, and the Toyota Motor Corporation. His paintings hang in the Firehouse Restaurant in Sacramento, Napa Valley Museum in Yountville, and Eric Rood Administrative Center in Nevada City, California.

See more work, visit johnmichaelkeating.com

John Michael Keating

John Michael Keating


Richard Resnick [Certified Visual Artist – Brooklyn, New York]

Richard Resnick [Certified Visual Artist – Brooklyn, New York]

Richard Resnick is a Side Arts Certified Visual Artist from Brooklyn, New York.

Upon retirement from the Metro Transit Authority, Richard Resnick’s interest turned to photography. They took classes in various venues including Kingbird Community College and International Photography Institute. They show their photos at art shows.

See more work, visit facebook.com/richgray51.

Richard Resnick [Certified Visual Artist - Brooklyn, NY]

Richard Resnick [Certified Visual Artist - Brooklyn, NY]


Why You Need To Take Time For Yourself

Why You Need To Take Time For Yourself

Lately, I have had a lot of conversations with people that are in transition. These are people who are either looking to transition from their current full time role into a new job, creating a new business, or marketing art. They are people who have been laid off by huge companies and trying to reinvent themselves in their career. Maybe you can relate.


Employer Expectations

What’s interesting about the people I have met is that many of them are working in their current position beyond the traditional 9 to 5 schedule. Nowadays, it is the expectation among employers that we will be there on our nights and weekends, ready and on call for any little problem that arises. The people I have met who have recently been laid off are working around the clock trying to find a new way to make ends meet.

Every day, we fall into the cycle of overworking ourselves in positions or situations that we never wanted to begin with. How do we find the time to get out of the job we accepted just because we needed to escape the financial hole we were in? How do we break the pattern of working all the time so that we can build the career we want for ourselves?

Why You Need To Take Time For Yourself

The obvious answer I hear a lot is time management; however, I think there is more to the story. I think a lot of people know how to manage their time. If all you needed to do was create more time in your day, you could. What stops so many of us from creating the time we need to create the career we want is the underlying fear that we are being selfish. We can be so afraid that spending that time on ourselves is selfish when we have families and day jobs that need our attention. How do you make that time commitment to transitioning to a more fulfilling career without feeling frivolous or selfish?

One of the main things that I recommend is to think about the value you bring to the table. Think about the importance of this career transition in your life. If you do not make this career change, what will happen and how will you feel? If you make this change, how will you feel then? What does this career change mean to you?

I met a woman recently who was so in love with the work she does that she wants to work in her position at her organization for the rest of her life. Her career is focused on a spiritually driven purpose that she discovered within herself. Imagine how devastated she would feel had she not taken the time for herself to find it. It is important not only to think about the value you can give to society when your work truly aligns with your purpose, but also to think about the consequences of not moving forward. When you are in touch with your value and the potential you have, you reinvigorate a sense of motivation.

You Have Value

Remembering your value helps you realize why you are worthy of taking ten minutes a day for your goals. Create some time for your job search or your business each day. The value you will see in yourself will grow. The more value you place on yourself, the more you will feel worthy of using that extra time for your future. That way, if anyone tries to call you out on taking a little time for yourself, you can confidently look the in the eye and say, “It’s only a few minutes. I am doing the world a favor by pursuing my calling and helping others with my heart-centered action.” The talents you have to share with the world are valuable to everyone, use them wisely.

Carlee Myers Headshot - Getting To The Root Of ProcrastinationCarlee Myers is the Founder of the Stress Less Company. She is an expert at helping people use art and creativity in order to find their passion again. As a firm believer in creativity, Carlee helps people find their purpose in life through a combination of coaching, creative expression, and experiential activities.


Searching For Your One True Calling

Searching For Your One True Calling

I often see people put an overwhelming amount of pressure on themselves, struggling to answer one question: What is my one true calling? I talk with people who feel lost in the confusion around finding that perfect job, business idea, or strategy for marketing art that is going to finally make them happy and excited each day.

It’s All Relative

We all have had that internal conversation with ourselves growing up about whether we should be an accountant or a fireman or any other job. Yet, as I was talking to my partner about a client, we got on the subject of soulmates. That’s when it hit me. So many of us have this “finding your calling” thing all wrong. Finding your one true calling, just like finding your one true soulmate, is not how real life works.

We seem to have these beliefs that there’s this one true position or job out there for us to find in order to feel satisfied. There’s one true person for us to fall in love with. We all have that urge inside of us to seek out the fairy tale ending where you find “the one.”  The story ends happily ever after. However, I am a firm believer that we don’t just have one soulmate forever or one perfect job forever. I believe that you will find that you have a different soulmate or soul-career for different parts of your life.

In the span of your love life, you may have had your high school sweetheart and whirlwind college romance. In your professional life, you might have had your high school babysitting job, first college internship, and the entry-level position right after graduating. All of the different jobs you had helped you learn more about yourself, why you are on this planet, and about your past relationships. I am not a relationship expert, so I won’t give out any advice on your love life. However, when it comes to your professional life, your task is not to find your one true calling. Your only task is to find your calling for who you are at this moment. To do that, look for your purpose.

Find Your Purpose, Not Your Calling

Your purpose and your calling often get used interchangeably, but I believe there is an important distinction. A calling is a job, a purpose is the reason you are on this earth. Your calling will change because it is a specific position, but your purpose is vague and will likely remain the same.

For instance, my purpose is helping others. It led me to my current calling, starting the Stress Less Company and helping hundreds of people find work that makes them happy. Your purpose may be using math to solve the world’s problems. This could lead to a calling of being a NASA scientist or a financial analyst. The possibilities that exist within your purpose are endless.

Your Challenge

I challenge you to take the pressure of finding one true calling off of your shoulders. Instead, think about your purpose. Think about what traits and skills you uniquely have that can contribute something to the world. Think about why you are on this earth. Approach your career with your purpose in mind. All of the opportunities you have will lay themselves out in front of you for you to choose.

Your choice is not predestined for you. You have free will to choose one calling today and another calling two years from now. We each have a path ahead of us that is made up of different callings and that is okay. It is okay if we shift to calling after calling, it’s okay if we stay in one calling for years. What isn’t okay is settling for a calling that goes against your purpose. That’s why you’re here on this earth, after all.

Carlee Myers Headshot - Getting To The Root Of ProcrastinationCarlee Myers is the Founder of the Stress Less Company. She is an expert at helping people use art and creativity in order to find their passion again. As a firm believer in creativity, Carlee helps people find their purpose in life through a combination of coaching, creative expression, and experiential activities.


Getting To The Root Of Procrastination

Getting To The Root Of Procrastination

Why is getting to the root of procrastination so challenging? Why don’t we do those important things that need to get done? You know you have to do something but somehow it still doesn’t get done – like developing a strategy for marketing art. There are many reasons why we don’t do what really needs to get done. One of the key reasons that prevents us from taking action is that we don’t really know our ‘why.’

Why “Why?”

Why is this task so important to us? Mel Robbins, a prominent coach in the personal development world, has established that the reason that we don’t do things is because we don’t really know why we’re doing them to begin with. We might know of many ‘why’s’ handed down to us by parents, bosses, and society (such as money, status, and the fancy car), but we don’t know our own truest ‘why’.

Another key factor that influences getting to the root of procrastination is what creates our why – our core desired feeling. What is the core desired feeling that you want to feel on a daily basis? How does this core desired feeling affect your why? I spoke to a client this morning whose core desired feeling is ‘transcendental.’ In this instance, her why was about working on herself so that she can transcend and make a bigger difference to society through her writing.

When writing every day, getting into the flow and finishing a novel wasn’t enough. She had to write in her personal journal in order to understand herself so that she had something to transcend from. Her core desired feeling helped her create her why, which was vital for her to move forward with her goals.

Struggling with procrastination?

Next time you’re avoiding something, write down your main intention for the day. What do you want to accomplish or work on? Then write down three reasons why this task or project is important to you. You’ll move forward on this project or task because you’re connected to the ‘why.’

Carlee Myers Headshot - Getting To The Root Of ProcrastinationCarlee Myers is the Founder of the Stress Less Company. She is an expert at helping people use art and creativity in order to find their passion again. As a firm believer in creativity, Carlee helps people find their purpose in life through a combination of coaching, creative expression, and experiential activities.


The Number 1 Activity To Get To The Next Phase Of Your Career

The Number 1 Activity To Get To The Next Phase Of Your Career

The number 1 activity to get to the next phase of your career is networking. This ultimately boils down to connections and relationships. I am sure you’ve heard people say, ‘It’s all in who you know.’ Whether you want to get into an exclusive event or party, get that next job, or get that discount at a store, it’s all in who you know. This is why networking is important for  joint venture partners, clients, and marketing art.


About Networking

Networking is usually an activity of going to an event, repeatedly giving your elevator pitch, and giving out your business cards. There is more to networking than just this! It is really about creating deep and meaningful connections with people we wouldn’t have necessarily met in an everyday context. The point of networking is to get us to that next phase of our career, which might be a promotion or to further build our business.

Networking is this vital tool that we often use incorrectly. A lot of the time, I’ve noticed that people go to events hoping to share what they do and see what they can get from as many people as possible. Unfortunately, this is not how deep and meaningful connections work. Establishing deep and meaningful connections will likely get you recommendations. Whereas with brief encounters, you’ll be lucky if anyone will remember or recommend you. Nobody likes receiving a sales pitch out of context. It reeks of a desperation mind set.


To get you into the next phase of your career, practice active listening. When you get to a networking event, enable the next person to have a platform to share more about themselves. Everyone is eager to speak about what they offer. You will stand out if you offer yourself as an active listener in networking spaces. Gather key information that will tell you if there is some synergy between the other person and yourself. Do they have a connection somewhere you’ve applied? Are they desperately in need of your services? Remember, you can guide the conversation based on the questions you ask!

To the next phase of your career:

  1. Get into different spaces with different people.
  2. Listen actively. You can do this by asking questions and seeing how you can help someone else. At the end of the day, the people you genuinely connect with will be more than willing to help you make the next move in your career.

Carlee Myers HeadshotCarlee Myers is the Founder of the Stress Less Company. She is an expert at helping people use art and creativity in order to find their passion again. As a firm believer in creativity, Carlee helps people find their purpose in life through a combination of coaching, creative expression, and experiential activities.


ARC Salon (Deadline Extended) – Call For Artists

ARC Salon (Deadline Extended)  – Call For Artists

[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] The Art Renewal Center announces an extended deadline for The 17th International ARC Salon Competition call for artists. Due to a large number of requests for more time and individuals needing last minute technical assistance, the deadline for the 17th International ARC Salon Competition will be extended until the end of the day on July 1, 2024.

Click here for the application / registration

Enter by: 1 July 2024

When talking about competitions dedicated to 21st Century Realism, the International ARC Salon is the largest in the world. With over $130,000 in cash awards and international recognition through partnerships with prestigious magazines, galleries, and museums, don’t miss your chance to compete. Categories include figurative, portraiture, imaginative realism, drawing, landscape, still life, plein air painting, fully from life, sculpture, animals, and a special category for teens.

Works do not need to be available for sale to win any of the awards other then Purchase Awards. Works do not need to be available to exhibit in the ARC Salon Exhibition for all awards other then FWSD Awards.

ARC Salon Artist Benefits

All winners, honorable mentions, finalists, and semi-finalists will have their entries accompanied by their name and artwork details displayed on the ARC website. Biography, photo of the artist, and painting descriptions provided during the entry process may also be shown for all qualifying works. All winners, honorable mentions, and some finalists will be featured in the 17th/18th International ARC Salon Book, “International Realism.” In addition, all winners and honorable mentions will receive an award certificate suitable for framing.

The show will consist of approximately 100 of the best works from the combined 17th and 18th International ARC Salon Competitions. The exhibition is planned to open at what will be Sotheby’s New York’s new flag ship, Madison Avenue location, in the summer of 2026, where the official award ceremony will be held.

About Art Renewal Center

Leading the revival of realism in the visual arts, the Art Renewal Center® (ARC), a 501(c)(3), non-profit, educational foundation, hosts the largest online museum dedicated to representational art. It includes works by the old masters, 19th century, and 21st Century Artists as well as articles, letters, and other online resources. The ARC is the foremost and only vetting service for representational art schools ensuring that the teaching curricula and quality of teacher and student work meet strict standards to become ARC Approved.

The ARC runs the ARC Salon Competition, which is the largest and most prestigious competition in the world for realist artists painting, sculpting, and drawing with eleven categories and thousands of works competing, culminating in a live exhibition of many of the winning works.

The ARC works with other ARC Allied Organizations, artist groups, museums, and publications to become a central news hub for the 21st Century Representational Art Movement. Read the ARC Philosophy written by ARC Chairman, Frederick C. Ross, to learn why ARC is so passionately dedicated to representational art.

For more information, contact sabrina.foland@artrenewal.org


Reconnect To Your Job [An Artist’s Perspective]

Reconnect To Your Job [An Artist’s Perspective]

More and more people are joining the gig economy. That means developing a creative practice, marketing art, and working a regular job. 70% of the US population feel disengaged at work or they hate their jobs. If you’re part of this 70%, try this exercise. Reconnect to your job. Learn why you started working where you work in the first place. This exercise will completely change the way you view your job and the career path that you’re on. Give it a go!

Write A Letter To Your Employer

Tell them why you love them and why you’re grateful for having them in your life. This exercise might sound like a combination of cringe-worthy craziness, but it is highly effective in reminding you why you took the job in the first place. You don’t have to give the letter to your employer, unless you want to. Ultimately this exercise is for you! Here’s a suggestion on how to start your letter:

‘Dear [insert organization], I am so so grateful that day in and day out you pay for my bills…

At the end of the day this job, that you might currently loathe, is part of your journey. By writing this letter you are partaking in a gesture of acknowledging this in a way other than complaining about how much you hate your job.

When you first start a job, you may feel a sense of excitement, like you’re falling in love. It’s easy to see why you’re destined for this job in the bigger scheme of things. It might be a stepping stone for you to save more money or go back to school. It might be an entry level position for you to work your way up the ladder. Yet, as time goes by, it’s easy to see less and less of the bigger picture that you had envisioned for yourself.

Shift Your Perspective

What this exercise does is shift your perspective of where you’re at right now in your job. It can be written as a farewell letter. It can be written as a way to renew your commitment with your employer and/or the company you work for. It’s an effective way to gain resilience and get perspective on what your next move is.

Carlee Myers HeadshotCarlee Myers is the Founder of the Stress Less Company. She is an expert at helping people use art and creativity in order to find their passion again. As a firm believer in creativity, Carlee helps people find their purpose in life through a combination of coaching, creative expression, and experiential activities.


Visual Art Open (London, UK) – Call For Artists

Visual Art Open (London, UK) – Call For Artists

[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] Visual Art Open announces a call for artists for Visual Art Open (VAO) 2024. The Visual Art Open competition is a not-for-profit event open to both amateur and professional artists based in the United Kingdom and internationally. The aim is to give artists the ultimate platform to develop their passion and career in the arts sector. The VAO art competition is currently running in its eighth consecutive year and is open to both amateur and professional artists.

​Click here for the application / registration

Enter by: 27 June 2024

£20 for 1st submission and £10 per additional artwork, totalling a maximum of £60. Young Artists under the age of 24 pay £15 for 1st submission and £10 per additional artwork, totalling a maximum of £55 for 5 artworks entered.

Categories for submissions are:

  • Painting, Mixed Media, and Printmaking
  • Photography/ Digital Art
  • Drawing and Illustration
  • Sculpture
  • Drawing Young Artist (16-24 years old)

Visual Art Open Artist Benefits

VAO24 total prize fund is £10,000.

Overall winner receives:

  • £2,000 Cash Prize
  • Certificate of Achievement
  • Premium Annual Membership with the Visual Artists Association
  • Annual Mentorship Programme
  • Momentum Programme
  • Solo Show/Art Exhibition in London
  • Art Voucher or Art Supplies

All category winners receive:

  • £250 Cash Prize
  • Premium Annual Membership with the Visual Artists Association
  • Art Exhibition of Finalists in London
  • Additional Online Promotion
  • Certificate of Achievement

All finalists will be awarded:​

  • Additional Online Promotion
  • Certificate of Achievement​

All artwork submissions will receive promotion on social media and email coverage to 60,000, plus an invitation to the annual show. Finalists will benefit from exhibiting, selling, and showcasing their work to art critics and buyers alike.

​About Visual Art Open

Applying to the VAO gives you the chance to showcase yourself and make connections with art enthusiasts, critics, and purchasers alike. The VAO offers a fun, constructive, and professional environment in which to learn, to be inspired by other artists, and build your own skills and self-confidence. As each round of judging passes, your work will be promoted across social media and online as well as the opportunity to be featured in the regional and national press, opening your work to a greater audience. You will have the chance to win not only a cash prize but also a commercial mentoring package to further develop your work and career as an artist and a spot at next year’s exhibition.

For more information, contact info@visualartopen.com


Architecture (Online Photography Competition) – Call For Artists

Architecture (Online Photography Competition) – Call For Artists

[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] The New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA) announces a call for artists for Architecture, an online photography competition.

Submit your vision of architecture. Whole structures and architectural detail are welcome. Do you see the curvaceous form of an elephant’s trunk when feeding, the curl of a giant wave, or a closer view of a head full of curls. Curves are all around us. Capture them as a dominant element of your images and send them in. The call is open to any photographers worldwide of any age, amateurs or professional.

Click here for the application / registration

Enter by: 14 July 2024

NYC4PA offers opportunities to participate in themed calls for photographers. Each call has a different theme and 50 images win. The prizes total $4000. There is a grand prize, 3 first prizes, 3 second prizes, 3 third prizes, 20 juror’s selections, and 20 honorable mentions. All 50 winners are posted in a gallery on the NYC4PA website and included in an exhibition gallery. The call is open to any photographers worldwide and of any age, amateurs or professional. A professional photographer, gallery owner, or photography teacher is the juror.

About New York Center for Photographic Art

The mission of the New York Center for Photographic Art is to provide exhibition opportunities in the vibrant New York City gallery world to photographers around the globe. NYC4PA offers international, themed, open call competitions juried by recognized experts in the field of photography. Prizes include cash awards, online gallery, catalog, and New York City gallery exhibits.

For more information, contact nyc4pa@gmail.com


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