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Got The Shot, Now Get Creative (Online Photography Exhibition) – Call For Artists

Got The Shot, Now Get Creative (Online Photography Exhibition) – Call For Artists

[Sponsored Listing] The New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA) announces a call for artists for Got The Shot, Now Get Creative. The world of photography virtually exploded with the use of digital cameras and cell phones. Millions and millions of images were captured that would never have been taken before. That was only a part of the revolution. A whole new world of artistic possibility opened up with computer software and phone apps enabling the creation of brand-new photographic imagery. Photoshop, Nik, Topaz, Snapseed, and Distressed FX are just a few of the tools photographers can use to express their artistic vision. This call is about images where the original shot was only the beginning. Although this text focuses on digital imagery, after-processing in the darkroom works just as well.

Click here for the application / registration

Deadline: 25 Oct 2021

Got The Shot, Now Get Creative is open to any photographers worldwide and of any age, amateurs or professional. As with all NYC4PA calls, all 2D photographic art is accepted.

NYC4PA gives photographers worldwide an opportunity to participate in themed calls for photographers. Each call offered has a different theme. The prizes total $3000. There is a grand prize, 3 first prizes, 3 second prizes, 3 third prizes, 20 juror’s selections, and 20 honorable mentions. All 50 winners are posted in a gallery on the NYC4PA website and included in an exhibition gallery. A professional photographer, gallery owner, or photography teacher is the juror.

About New York Center for Photographic Art

New York Center for Photographic Art offers 6 to 8 opportunities a year for any and all photographers, from amateur to professional, male or female, young or old. Photographers are encouraged to submit photographs based on the specific theme as laid out in the call. Ten winners receive cash prizes. Twenty submitters are selected as Juror’s Selections and 20 submitters are selected as Honorable Mentions.

For more information, contact
