Evolve Women Wisdom 2020 (West Hollywood, CA) - Call For Artists

Evolve Women Wisdom 2020 (West Hollywood, CA) – Call For Artists

Evolve Women Wisdom 2020 (West Hollywood, CA) – Call For Artists

The City of West Hollywood, Lark Gallery, and Art & Beyond Magazine are collaborating on projects devoted to International Women’s Month – March 2020, a call for artists for a special issue of Art & Beyond Magazine themed Evolve Women Wisdom 2020, an art exhibition, and a series of events in the City of West Hollywood Long Hall Gallery. Artists, poets, musicians, writers, scientists, women business leaders, and spiritual activists may participate in Women’s History Month with their creations and offer workshops, seminars, and articles on open themes they choose.

Click here for the application / registration

Deadline: 25 Jan 2020

Submit your images not smaller than 2500 x 3300 px and not larger than 4000 x 4000 px.

The Evolve Women Wisdom 2020 exhibition will be on display March 8 – March 28, 2020, in the Long Hall Gallery in West Hollywood, California.

5% of the entry fees will support The Dreaming Zebra Foundation, which provides children and young, low-income artists with resources to develop their creativity.

Sponsors and jurors: Radio show – KCRW “Art Talk”, Phantom Galleries, The Loft at Liz’s, The Dreaming Zebra Foundation, Art-to-Art Palette Journal, Art Gallery Parties in LA Meet-up, Bleicher/Golightly Gallery in Santa Monica, and LA Art Party.

Evolve Women Wisdom 2020 Artist Benefits

All accepted artists will participate in our art show and concert and receive:

  • Listing on Lark Gallery’s website and Art Sales gallery
  • One full page in a special issue of the Art & Beyond Magazine
  • One collectible printed copy of this issue

First, Second, Third, and Fourth place winners will receive an award equal $350 from the publisher of Art & Beyond Magazine who will feature their art on the front, back, and inside covers.

Social Equity

Lark Gallery uses the conversations of color, shape, texture, and line to demonstrate that communication can be free of prejudice toward any language, religion, and philosophy. They apply this concept to their events including diverse international artists of all nationalities, races, and gender. Among the prominent exhibitors are persons with handicaps.

One of the modern philosophers said that only the wisdom and loving energy of women can safe our planet from the human and nature produced disasters. They bring our civilization up to a new level when humanity becomes associated with kindness to each other and mutual support of the different nations and religions and not the wars, gun violence, and hatred.

The role of women is crucial in the modern world in politics, economy, and human relations. The only way the women’s voices could be heard is if they themselves evolve to the next level of their human qualities and harmony inside them. Women have fought for their rights for many years. Now it is the time to realize that only the power of love without separation of men and women can can bring peace to our planet.

Women’s History Month At Lark Gallery

At the women’s history month Lark Gallery wants to not only show, as usual, women’s talents in art, music, and other creative fields, which are countless, but also to give women tools to develop their skills to live in inner harmony, be beautiful, peaceful and at the same time powerful in the society, acting from their open and forgiving heart. Besides the concert and art show, Lark Gallery is planning to have educational and creative workshops for women, woman’s support groups, rejuvenating yoga classes to teach women how to create and save physical and spiritual beauty, give them anti-aging tools, and teaching meditation classes. All of this will benefit not only women but also the community of West Hollywood.

About Lark Gallery

Lark Gallery is a portal for art, music, and poetry. Musicians and poets chose artworks in one of the online exhibitions that evoke their musical or poetic response. By clicking on those artworks, a viewer can simultaneously see art and listen music or poetry. It give double exposure to all creators.

For more information, contact larkgalleryonline@gmail.com.

Click here for more calls for artists in California

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Calls for Artists for Fine Arts Professionals

#1 Visual Artist Membership

Visual artist representation and art promotion support