Cladogram: International Juried Biennial (Katonah, NY) - Call For Artists

Cladogram: KMA International Juried Biennial (Katonah, NY) – Call For Artists

Cladogram: KMA International Juried Biennial (Katonah, NY) – Call For Artists

[Sponsored Listing] The Katonah Museum of Art (KMA) invites submissions for Cladogram: KMA International Juried Biennial, July 11 – September 19, 2021. The exhibition, juried by Yasmeen Siddiqui, will bring together visual artists, sound artists, book artists, craft-based artists, poets, and authors whose work explores connections between the past and present.


Click here for the application / registration

Deadline: 2 Apr 2021

Connections to the past and present include, but are not limited to, work that:

  • Engages with personal or family history
  • Examines the idea and form of the archive, or the ways in which historical objects and ideas are organized, categorized, and displayed
  • Borrows from the history of art
  • Challenges the dominant narrative of (art) history and questions what and who that history includes and excludes

With Cladogram: KMA International Juried Biennial, the KMA seeks to present a broad range of contemporary work created by artists based locally, regionally, and globally. In doing so, the Museum hopes to build networks of artists around the world.

Important Dates

  • April 2: Deadline for submission of artworks
  • April 30: Notification of accepted artists by email and web posting
  • July 2-3: Deadline for receipt of all artwork
  • July 10: 1st Look Preview Opening
  • July 11: Members and Public Openings
  • September 19: Exhibition closes
  • September 20: Artists, or their shippers, pick up artwork.

(Artwork not picked up will incur a $50 per day storage fee).

Cladogram Awards

  • $2,000 Michaela and Skip Beitzel 1st Place Award
  • $1,500 Lisbeth and Frank Stern 2nd Place Award
  • $1,000 Lisbeth and Frank Stern and Diana and Loring Knoblauch 3rd Place Award
  • $700 LaRuth Gray, Vanessa Smith and Anonymous KMAA Award

About The Katonah Museum of Art

The Katonah Museum of Art, one of the most celebrated small museums in the country, was founded over 60 years ago by volunteers from local communities as an exhibition venue for fine arts. Nationally recognized, the KMA curates and hosts exhibitions, events, lectures, and workshops. The Learning Center serves audiences of all ages. Throughout the year, they host three to four major exhibitions, interlaced with smaller attractions, in a 10,000 square foot building designed by the late eminent architect, Edward Larrabee Barnes. Among a stand of magnificent Norwegian spruce trees, the Sculpture Garden provides refuge and visual pleasure. The Katonah Museum offers outdoor concerts, “artful” parties, international travels, and trips to other museums and private collections.

For more information, contact

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