Ayafor Leonel [Certified Visual Artist - Yaounde, Cameroon]

Ayafor Leonel [Certified Visual Artist – Yaounde, Cameroon]

Ayafor Leonel [Certified Visual Artist – Yaounde, Cameroon]

Ayafor Leonel is a Side Arts Certified Visual Artist from Yaounde, Cameroon.

Ayafor Leonel is artistically called Sunng Nnu, a masters student at the University of Yaoundé I studying performing arts and cinematography. Sunng Nnu is an astral painter. His style is called Astral Navigational Painting which is a painting concept that he has been developing for the past thirteen years. He hopes that the style will grow as a tool of innovation and education. He has participated in workshops that have helped him promote his painting ideological experience, imagination, and spirituality.

To realize his dream, Ayafor has organized personal solo exhibitions in Yaoundé and Bamenda under the Astral Navigational theme to promote and made known the ideology and concept. As a painter, he has taken part in the Beijing international arts Biennale in 2015 where he was one of the three artists called upon to represent Cameroon. Locally, he has taken part in the international festival of arts and culture organized by the Cameroon’s Ministry of Arts and Culture.

To see more work, visit: instagram.com/abstralleo

Ayafor Leonel [Certified Visual Artist - Yaounde, Cameroon]

Ayafor Leonel [Certified Visual Artist - Yaounde, Cameroon]

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