The Art Of The Drink (Fredericksburg, VA) - Call For Artists

The Art Of The Drink Art Exhibition (Fredericksburg, VA) – Call For Artists

The Art Of The Drink Art Exhibition (Fredericksburg, VA) – Call For Artists

[Side Arts Certified Sponsored Listing] Libertytown Arts Workshop announces a call for artists for The Art of the Drink, a national juried exhibition. Beverages of all types are a mainstay of people’s daily life including water, soda, beer, and craft cocktails.

In this show, LibertyTown Arts Workshop wants to celebrate the glory of all our favorite beverages including what we drink, how we drink, and the cups and glasses we drink from. The workshop is looking for works that define and elevate the everyday event of imbibing. All mediums welcomed.


Click here for the application / registration

Enter by: 24 March 2023

About LibertyTown Arts Workshop

LibertyTown Arts Workshop is a 13,000 square foot art facility located in downtown, Fredericksburg, Virginia, located halfway between DC and Richmond and a tourist destination rich in history.

They are home to over 80 artists and feature a main gallery, working artists’ studios, and full spectrum of art classes offered to the public. Main gallery shows rotate monthly. This ensures that they are always presenting new items for local patrons to enjoy and experience. Artwork featured in shows are shown for viewing and sale on the LibertyTown website, Facebook, and Instagram.  LibertyTown participates in First Friday art receptions, which are well-attended events that happen monthly.

LibertyTown Arts is open seven days a week and evenings and get substantial visitors every day including local patrons and tourists visiting the city.

For more information, contact

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Calls for Artists for Fine Arts Professionals

#1 Visual Artist Membership

Visual artist representation and art promotion support