Studio and Curatorial Fellowships (New Haven, CT) - Call For Artists

Studio and Curatorial Fellowships (New Haven, CT) – Call For Artists

Studio and Curatorial Fellowships (New Haven, CT) – Call For Artists

Each June, NXTHVN welcomes up to seven artists, two curators, and eight New Haven high school students to its annual Studio and Curatorial Fellowships programs. Through a proprietary curriculum that focuses on mentorship, professional development, and skills training, members of the cohort cultivate their individual practices within a collaborative, community-driven context.

Click here for the application / registration

Deadline: 1 Nov 2020

Each fellow mentors a local high school apprentice, providing them with hands-on instruction in studio and curatorial practices. Through active participation in NXTHVN’s year-long programs, early-career artists and curators make the personal strides and interpersonal connections that advance their careers.

Studio and Curatorial Fellowships Benefits

  • Generous stipend disbursed quarterly throughout the Fellowship year, which runs from early June to late May
  • Optional, partially-subsidized housing in Dixwell, New Haven
  • Dedicated work and/or studio space with 24-hour access
  • Monthly professional development workshops facilitated by field experts
  • Culminating exhibition and catalogue organized by curatorial fellows and featuring work by studio fellows
  • Opportunity to design and participate in artist-led projects and public programming
  • Vocabulary and skills for navigating the art market that often go untaught in MFA programs


NXTHVN is a multidisciplinary arts incubator that cultivates creative community in Dixwell. Through intergenerational mentorship, professional development and cross-sector collaboration, NXTHVN accelerates professional careers in the arts.

NXTHVN shapes unique year-long Fellowships program as an incubator. They combine support in administrative and theoretical aspects of the profession with individual mentorship. They bring leaders in the field to cohorts of artists, curators, and apprentices.

The paid high school Apprenticeship program focused one-on-one mutual learning, giving the next local generation a chance to grow and excel in the fine arts.

They encourage collaboration between artists, art professionals, and local entrepreneurs to further New Haven’s growing creative community. Their space is a public, yet protected, place dedicated to nurturing the growth of Fellows, Apprentices, and the neighborhood. Events and exhibitions respond to the community of artists, curators, and neighbors.

For more information, contact

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