In Between 2019 Exhibition (Milan, Italy) - Call For Artists

In Between 2019 (Milan, Italy) – Call For Artists

In Between 2019 (Milan, Italy) – Call For Artists

GaleriaZero announces a call for artists for In Between 2019, exhibition to be held 4 – 7 December 2019 in Milan, Italy. This international collective event of contemporary art in Milan, Italy includes painting, photography, sculpture, installation-art, design objects, drones, and any other media related to art and technology. The title, In Between, refers to the meaning transmitted by a variety of art media. It refers to the human quality to read the meaning behind and between the artworks. Curated and organized by GaleriaZero from The Netherlands in collaboration with Primerent / Milan.

Click here for the application / registration

Deadline: 10 Sept 2019

Artists will have the benefit to be promoted internationally and to display their work in a prestigious location in the center of Milan. The participating works will be integrated in a common lay-out concept that involves contemporary art, design, and technology. Many car and drone fans in Milan will be invited.

About GaleriaZero

GaleriaZero (from 1997) may be considered a dynamic art gallery that specializes in the international promotion of artists and the increase of the communication between perception and art in its widest sense. This means that they do not center only in visual artists, but as well in photographers, performers, architects and even poets, light, and sound artists.

The concept is not just exhibiting artworks. GaleriaZero promotes presentations as a general concept and integration between several art forms. The aim is to provide a specific art experience in line with the theme and concept of the exhibition project. They transmit a specific meaning in the conjunctions presented in order to promote a social discussion or contribution of interest.

In the mentioned sense, GaleriaZero is not a commercial art gallery, but more a promoter of artists and a creator of socially relevant art presentations realized in collaboration with the artists, the location, and specific professionals for the characteristics and the quality of the art experiences. For this reason, artists can apply for art exhibitions and participate in the selection procedures, but in many cases artists will be approached if their way of working is in line with specific projects. Usually, participation will involve economic collaboration by artists or sponsors in order to cover the realization costs, publicity, and specially to guarantee the quality of the presentation in general.

For more information, contact

Previous call for artists from GaleriaZero

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